About ADappt

This website has been developed for professionals working at a memory clinic. The goal of this website is to support professionals in interpreting and discussing results of diagnostic testing with patients and caregivers, and making decisions about diagnostic testing together.

Various choices have to be made throughout the diagnostic process: whether diagnostic testing is appropriate, for example, and, if so, how extensive it should be. Interpretation of the test results isn't always straightforward and can be hard for the patient to follow. The ADappt website provides you with a conversation guide aimed at stimulating shared decision-making about diagnostic testing at the memory clinic. Here you will find easy-to-understand explanation of the various diagnostic tests and their pros and cons, which will facilitate well-informed decision-making.

The risk calculation tool has been developed to help you interpret and explain results of MRI, protein markers in the cerebral fluid, and amyloid PET, of MCI patients. The tool is currently available to view (not for clinical use).

And finally, ADappt provides a "topic list" of informative topics on which health care professionals, patients and caregivers agreed that these should be discussed during diagnostic consultations in memory clinics.

Not a health care professional, but interested in knowing more about (our research related to) diagnostic testing for Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia? Then you could visit the website of the Alzheimer center Amsterdam.